Norway's Amar Group acquires Halibut P.E.I. facility

In a May 10 release, Amar Group said the acquisition brings potential for synergies with its work on spotted Atlantic wolffish farming operations in Canada and Norway.

The company said it hopes to further expand wolffish and halibut species into commercially viable and environmentally sustainable land-based aquaculture businesses.

- P.E.I. is ideally suited for the grow out of both halibut and wolffish due to the ideal well water salinities and temperatures, which bring year-round stability to the operation in a cost-effective manner, said Amar Group CEO Bjørn Apeland.

- We look forward to continuing and strengthening relationships with key stakeholders on Prince Edward Island and to further developing the work done by Halibut P.E.I.

Rory Francis, P.E.I. BioAlliance CEO, said he welcomes the investment in Halibut P.E.I.

- This investment complements the excellent reputation that P.E.I. has for quality seafood products in North America, said Francis.

- (Amar's) use of advanced technologies from quality broodstock, to fish health and nutrition, to final product, creates the conditions for sustainable and environmentally responsible growth in the sector.

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